Here's what our customers are saying about our Touch Up Paint:
Thomas S, owner of a 2000 Nissan Altima from Valley Stream, NY
Never again do you have to go to the body shop if you need to paint a body panel before installation... Great color match... No spray gun clean up!
Blake B, owner of a 1999 Nissan Quest from Navarre, FL
It worked great, couple of coats and blended in good, clear on top you would never know where I touched up. Thanks a lot for the match in a can otherwise had to buy a qt and mix etc. Rick
Recent Customer, owner of a 2000 Nissan Sentra from Upper Darby, PA
I purchased touch-up aerosol sprays for a Nissan Altima 2013 metallic slate and the base-coat match was perfect on the test card. I haven't used it on the car as yet, but the test patch and the car color are, to all appearances, identical. Likewise, the aerosol base-coat spray for a 2000 Nissan Sentra, iced cappuccino/beige metallic was a great match, if a little thinner perhaps than the metallic slate. But this was probably a good thing as it necessitated a more layered execution in more than one application, which produces better results. My problem with the Sentra was that I needed to sand-paper a previous application off the hood with a similar product used from a different supplier less than a week earlier. The results then were less than adequate, producing a patchy, textured finish even though the color match was not a problem at all. The main reason for this, I later discovered, was that I applied the spray with the hood shut in a flat, lateral position. NOT GOOD! This time I jacked up the hood in a near vertical position, covered the windscreen headlights, grill wiper fluid jets, etc., and went to work. The results were much better this time; hugely satisfactory. But the partial sanding plus the relative thinness of the spray pigment made at least a second course necessary. On my pending second application, I expect to achieve a near perfect, if not perfect, outcome. The clear coat is excellent with just the right grade of gloss. On the whole, I am quite happy with