Choose your Automotive paint color for your 1995 Dodge (All Models)

Restore Your 1995 Dodge (All Models) Finish In Two Steps

Select Your Dodge's Color (Step One)

AutomotiveTouchup paint products are custom mixed to perfectly match the color of your 1995 Dodge (All Models) using a basecoat/clearcoat system just like factory specs. To insure a proper match, you’ll need to know your vehicle’s color code, so you can find it on the chart below. 2007 and newer Dodge models usually have the paint code in the door jamb. Most paint codes are three digits long and start with a P or Q and contains letters and/or numbers. Click here for more Dodge paint code locations and paint code images.

Please note: The 'All Models' pages sometimes have a large amount of results to scroll through, if your vehicle's model is in the list of options on the prior screen we recommend trying that first.

Chip Color Codes Color Description
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Black 601, PXN, RXN 601, PXN, RXN Black
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Silver Metallic A26, AC11126 A26, AC11126 Silver Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Silver Mist Pearl A52, AC11052, PA5 A52, AC11052, PA5 Silver Mist Pearl
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Gray Metallic A74, AC11074, PAF A74, AC11074, PAF Gray Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Bright White/Blanco Brillante/White Knuckle AC10812, AY110GW7, AY95GW7, DT1655, GW7, PW7, W12 AC10812, AY110GW7, AY95GW7, DT1655, GW7, PW7, W12 Bright White/Blanco Brillante/White Knuckle
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Galaxy White Pearl AC10875, W75 AC10875, W75 Galaxy White Pearl
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Black AC10894, AC11163, DT4004, PX9, X63, X94 AC10894, AC11163, DT4004, PX9, X63, X94 Black
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Emerald Green Metallic AC10984, G84, PG2 AC10984, G84, PG2 Emerald Green Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Radiant Red AC10987, PRB, R87 AC10987, PRB, R87 Radiant Red
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Deep Green Metallic AC11036, G36, PGK AC11036, G36, PGK Deep Green Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Medium Blue-Gray Metallic AC11051, PBJ, T51 AC11051, PBJ, T51 Medium Blue-Gray Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Passion Red/Fire Storm AC11071, PE7, R71 AC11071, PE7, R71 Passion Red/Fire Storm
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Char-Gold Pearl/Char-Gold Metallic AC11084, PJ9, S84 AC11084, PJ9, S84 Char-Gold Pearl/Char-Gold Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Champagne Yellow Pearl AC11099, Y99 AC11099, Y99 Champagne Yellow Pearl
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Dark Blue Metallic AC8, AY70AC8, DT8834, PC8 AC8, AY70AC8, DT8834, PC8 Dark Blue Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Dark Quartz Metallic AH4LSK, LSK AH4LSK, LSK Dark Quartz Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Medium Quartz Metallic AH4MDM AH4MDM Medium Quartz Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Viper Red AU106LRN, AU106RN, LRN, PRN, RN AU106LRN, AU106RN, LRN, PRN, RN Viper Red
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Viper Bright Yellow/Dandelion Yellow AU106MJE, JE, MJE, PJE AU106MJE, JE, MJE, PJE Viper Bright Yellow/Dandelion Yellow
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Viper Black AU106MX3, MX3, PX3, QX3, X3 AU106MX3, MX3, PX3, QX3, X3 Viper Black
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Emerald Green Metallic AU107MGQ, GQ, MGQ, PGQ AU107MGQ, GQ, MGQ, PGQ Emerald Green Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Dark Quartz Metallic AW2HD8 AW2HD8 Dark Quartz Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Driftwood Satin Metallic AY103MFA, DT2703, MFA, PFA, QFA AY103MFA, DT2703, MFA, PFA, QFA Driftwood Satin Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Char-Gold Satin Metallic AY103MJ8, MJ8, PJ8 AY103MJ8, MJ8, PJ8 Char-Gold Satin Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Black AY110DX8, AY95DX8, DT4014, DX8, PX8, X13 AY110DX8, AY95DX8, DT4014, DX8, PX8, X13 Black
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Flame Red AY110PR4, AY95PR4, DT3521, PR4 AY110PR4, AY95PR4, DT3521, PR4 Flame Red
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Lapis Blue AY110RC4, PC4, RC4 AY110RC4, PC4, RC4 Lapis Blue
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Nitro Yellow-Green/Nitro Yellow Green AY110RF2, PF2, RF2 AY110RF2, PF2, RF2 Nitro Yellow-Green/Nitro Yellow Green
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Bright Platinum Metallic AY111MS4, AY96MS4, MS4, PS4 AY111MS4, AY96MS4, MS4, PS4 Bright Platinum Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Light Iris Metallic AY112PC5, PC5 AY112PC5, PC5 Light Iris Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Brilliant Blue Metallic AY112PCH, DT8942, PCH AY112PCH, DT8942, PCH Brilliant Blue Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Emerald Green Metallic AY112PGS, DT7991, PGS AY112PGS, DT7991, PGS Emerald Green Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Aqua Metallic AY112PQK, PQK AY112PQK, PQK Aqua Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Strawberry Metallic AY112PRE, PRE AY112PRE, PRE Strawberry Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Medium Blue Metallic AY112RBK, PBK, RBK AY112RBK, PBK, RBK Medium Blue Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Dark Iris Pearl AY112RCW, PCW AY112RCW, PCW Dark Iris Pearl
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Dark Rosewood Pearl/Dark Rosewood Metallic AY112REG, PEG, REG AY112REG, PEG, REG Dark Rosewood Pearl/Dark Rosewood Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Light Silverfern Metallic AY112RJM, PJM, RJM AY112RJM, PJM, RJM Light Silverfern Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Medium Fern Metallic AY112RJP, PJP, RJP AY112RJP, PJP, RJP Medium Fern Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Orchid Metallic AY112RMK, PMK, RMK AY112RMK, PMK, RMK Orchid Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Metallic Red Pearl AY112RRC, DT3533, PRC, RRC AY112RRC, DT3533, PRC, RRC Metallic Red Pearl
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Deep Hunter Green Pearl AY112SG8, DT9307, PG8, SG8 AY112SG8, DT9307, PG8, SG8 Deep Hunter Green Pearl
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Light Gold Metallic AY112SYL, PYL, SYL AY112SYL, PYL, SYL Light Gold Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Island Teal Metallic AY113SPJ, PPJ, SPJ AY113SPJ, PPJ, SPJ Island Teal Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Candyapple Red Metallic AY120RH2, PH2, RH2 AY120RH2, PH2, RH2 Candyapple Red Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Golden White Pearl AY126SWP, PWP AY126SWP, PWP Golden White Pearl
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Colorado Red AY69LE1, DT3518, E1QE1, LE1, PE1 AY69LE1, DT3518, E1QE1, LE1, PE1 Colorado Red
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Director Red Metallic AY70MR8, DT3517, MR8, PR8, QR8 AY70MR8, DT3517, MR8, PR8, QR8 Director Red Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Radiant Fire AY95KRB, KRB, PRB AY95KRB, KRB, PRB Radiant Fire
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Dark Quartz Gray Metallic AY96HD8, HD8, PD8 AY96HD8, HD8, PD8 Dark Quartz Gray Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Hunter Green Metallic AY96JG5, JG5, PG5 AY96JG5, JG5, PG5 Hunter Green Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Silver Star Metallic AY96KAC, DT9066, KAC, PAC AY96KAC, DT9066, KAC, PAC Silver Star Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Dark Silver Metallic AY96KS7, DT9065, KS7, PS7 AY96KS7, DT9065, KS7, PS7 Dark Silver Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Metallic Red AY96LRF, LRF, PRF AY96LRF, LRF, PRF Metallic Red
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Emerald Green Metallic AY96PGF, AY97PGF, DT7987, PGF AY96PGF, AY97PGF, DT7987, PGF Emerald Green Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Claret Red Metallic AY97GM4, DT3497, GM4, PM4 AY97GM4, DT3497, GM4, PM4 Claret Red Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Teal Metallic AY97LP5, PP5 AY97LP5, PP5 Teal Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Jewel Blue Metallic/Jewel Blue Pearl Metallic AY97MC9, MC9, PC9 AY97MC9, MC9, PC9 Jewel Blue Metallic/Jewel Blue Pearl Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Wildberry Metallic AY97MMB, MMB, PMB AY97MMB, MMB, PMB Wildberry Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Medium Blue Metallic AY97RB3, PB3, RB3 AY97RB3, PB3, RB3 Medium Blue Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Orchid Metallic AY97RMH, PMH, RMH AY97RMH, PMH, RMH Orchid Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Spruce Metallic AY97RPE, PE, PPE, RPE AY97RPE, PE, PPE, RPE Spruce Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Parade Blue Metallic C6, MC6, PC6 C6, MC6, PC6 Parade Blue Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Bright White DT1649, GW6, PW6 DT1649, GW6, PW6 Bright White
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Light Arctic Gray DT1674, MSC, PSC DT1674, MSC, PSC Light Arctic Gray
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Dark Arctic Gray DT1675, MS9, PS9 DT1675, MS9, PS9 Dark Arctic Gray
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Driftwood Satin Metallic DT2709, FK, PFK, QFK, RFK DT2709, FK, PFK, QFK, RFK Driftwood Satin Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Claret Red Metallic DT3536, PMM, QMM, RMM DT3536, PMM, QMM, RMM Claret Red Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Hunter Green Metallic DT7981, LG4, PG4 DT7981, LG4, PG4 Hunter Green Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Aqua Pearl/Aqua Metallic DT7988, LQE, PQE DT7988, LQE, PQE Aqua Pearl/Aqua Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Medium Turquoise Metallic DT8930, MQF, PQF DT8930, MQF, PQF Medium Turquoise Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Parade Blue Metallic DT8932 DT8932 Parade Blue Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Light Turquoise DT8934, MQG, PQG DT8934, MQG, PQG Light Turquoise
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Dark Blue Metallic DT8943, PCJ DT8943, PCJ Dark Blue Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Dark Blue Metallic DT8958, PCS, RCS DT8958, PCS, RCS Dark Blue Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Dark Silver Metallic DT9072, PSP, RSP DT9072, PSP, RSP Dark Silver Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Silver Star Metallic DT9073, PAQ, QAQ, RAQ DT9073, PAQ, QAQ, RAQ Silver Star Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Light Rosewood Satin Metallic EF, PEF, REF EF, PEF, REF Light Rosewood Satin Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Dark Green Pearl G89, PGD G89, PGD Dark Green Pearl
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Light Green Metallic G90, PGC G90, PGC Light Green Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Teal Metallic LP5 LP5 Teal Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Light Royal Blue Satin Metallic MBC, PBC MBC, PBC Light Royal Blue Satin Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Light Blue Metallic PCE, T25 PCE, T25 Light Blue Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Blue Pearl PCQ, T83 PCQ, T83 Blue Pearl
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Dark Blue Pearl PCR, T88 PCR, T88 Dark Blue Pearl
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Santiago Green Metallic PJ5, Y91 PJ5, Y91 Santiago Green Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Turquoise Blue Metallic PPC, T92 PPC, T92 Turquoise Blue Metallic
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Monaco Red PR6, R82 PR6, R82 Monaco Red
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Kutani Red Pearl PRG, R25 PRG, R25 Kutani Red Pearl
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Sophia White PW4, W09 PW4, W09 Sophia White
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Scotia White PWJ, PWK, W83 PWJ, PWK, W83 Scotia White
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Lamp Black PX2, X94 PX2, X94 Lamp Black
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Black PX9 PX9 Black
1995 Dodge (All Models) Touch Up Paint | Brilliant White W32 W32 Brilliant White


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Did you choose the wrong model? How about the 1995 Dodge Avenger, Caliber, Caravan, Challenger, Charger, Colt, Conquest, Dakota, Dart, Daytona, Durango, Dynasty, Full Pickup, Grand Caravan, Hornet, Intrepid, Journey, Magnum, Monaco, Neon, New Ram Truck, Nitro, Pickup, Promaster, Pursuit, Ram, Ram 50, Ram Pickup, Ram Truck, Shadow, Spirit, Sprinter, Stealth, Stratus Coupe, Stratus Sedan, T300, Van, Viper, or Wagon?  Or, just go to our page dedicated to Dodge Touch Up Paint

Why The Two-Step Paint System?

Your 1995 Dodge (All Models) is painted at the factory with a high quality basecoat/clearcoat system. This two-step paint system consists of step one, the basecoat, which is your car’s actual color, and step two, the clearcoat, the specially formulated clear paint that protects the base color and provides the luster and deep shine your vehicle came with when new. AutomotiveTouchup products faithfully reproduce your vehicle manufacturer’s basecoat/clearcoat system.

Here's what our customers are saying about our Touch Up Paint:

Chris M, owner of a 1995 Dodge from Glen Burnie, MD

Great color matchup and nice even sprayer.

Sandy K, owner of a 1995 Dodge Van from central FLA

A+++ My 3rd round using Automotive Touchup on 2 different vehicles over the past 2 yrs. I'm slightly artistically inclined but nevertheless, a total NOVICE with auto body work! 57 yr old lady working in my driveway. ATU has saved me a TON of $$$ w/ 12 oz custom-matched aerosols, Max2K clear coat and their tutorials and helpful ordering and product info. Turning me into a successful newbie DIYer! All 3X, shipments were perfect & FAST. I just bought another (13 yr old) car and my touchup paint order is being placed soon ... making my 4th time using ATU. I wouldn't risk using anyone else. ~SK

Phil F, owner of a 1995 Dodge Stealth from Springfield, OH

Outstanding. Ordering process was quick and easy. Got the right stuff. Received the order in no time. Products were high quality. And most importantly, the touch up job went well. Surprised myself a bit as it looks like a real professional did it. Thank you!

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